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DIY gamebuino

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 1:22 pm
by CatDadJynx
Hey everyone! First time programmer here with some questions regarding general feasibility/approach in possibly making my own gamebuino.

As of right now, i only have an Uno and an SPI oled screen (which I've gotten connected and working with examples in both the ssd1306 and u8g2 libraries), but not sure where or how to proceed from here.

Are these oled screens even compatible? Initially i was thinking to make an arduboy, as it uses the same ssd1306 library, but come to find out id have to do quite a bit of work in using it with my uno (or namely just the 328), so wanted to see if I'd be any more likely to get it working as a DIY gamebuino instead.

Also, if anything can be referenced elsewhere or attributed to my inexperience i apologize, but any pointers in the right direction is similarly appreciated. Thanks!