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Howdy Y'all

Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:48 pm

I'm a current Computer Engineering student hailing from the mysterious land of Texas. Looking forward to tinkering with the Gamebuino I received recently. I have more or a hardware background than coding and software, but I've worked in Arduino before... so how hard could it be!

Admittedly I made a thread several months back, and then forgot about it completely (got busy with school and work!) but now I'm here to do some things, kick some butt, and take names. I'm probably going to work on a simple Blackjack game first just so I can get a handle on how things work and how best to structure code, but I have a few ideas outside of that too.

Also, I noticed that the Gamebuino has hit big with the French! This is good, as now I have an excuse to pick up learning French again. For now though, I'll admit that my French is pretty terrible.

Also at some point I might try to get the Gamebuino to connect to the internet, just for fun.

Re: Howdy Y'all

Wed Dec 17, 2014 12:50 am

Welcome! I'm a former CE student myself...many, many moons ago :) Professionally I went the software route but I still like to dabble a bit with hardware on the side (I've love to have a go at Gamebuino-on-FPGA one day, the AVR8 soft-core would be more than up to it and a 5110-LCD to VGA signal generator would be trivial).

Looking forward to what you come up with. A working demo of internet connectivity would be cool, any thoughts yet with respect to implementation?

Re: Howdy Y'all

Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:45 am

Haven't really thought much on it yet, Myndale. I got some ESP8266 modules the other day for a pet project (which I haven't even been able to toy with because I neglected to see if I had a suitable level shifter!) and I was thinking of doing something rudimentary with those.
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